September 29, 2024

Richard Glick

FERC Ends Trump Era with a Busy Agenda
FERC spent its last open meeting during President Trump’s tenure welcoming a new member and rejecting proposed orders by outgoing Chairman James Danly.
FERC Won’t Meddle in CAISO Resource Adequacy, Yet
FERC Commissioners Neil Chatterjee and Richard Glick rejected an effort by Chairman James Danly to take CAISO to task for rolling blackouts.
Senate Confirms Christie, Clements to FERC
The U.S. Senate quickly confirmed Mark Christie and Allison Clements to FERC by voice vote, restoring the commission to full strength.
Overheard at NECA’s 19th Power Markets Conference
NECA held its 19th Power Markets Conference virtually, featuring three panels discussing the impacts of renewable energy integration.
Report: FERC Enforcement Actions down Sharply in FY20
FERC’s Office of Enforcement opened only six new investigations in FY 2020 and managed to get just $550,000 in penalties from the three it closed.
FERC Defends CASPR Order
FERC defended its CASPR order, which permitted ISO-NE to create a 2-stage capacity auction to accommodate state renewable energy procurements
FERC Stands by 10.02% ROE
Transmission owners will continue receiving a 10.02% ROE, FERC said, rejecting complaints from consumer organizations and Commissioner Glick.
FERC Rejects Challenges on PURPA Changes
FERC rejected challenges to Order 872, which revised how it enforces the PURPA, but the commission granted clarification on several points.
NARUC Hears of ‘Incremental Change’ to Federal Policy
The Biden administration will likely go for moderate change to federal energy policy rather than large packages, NARUC’s ERE Committee heard.
Overheard at MISO Market Symposium 2020
MISO officials, stakeholders and academics discussed the challenges of operating a grid with increasing renewables and uncertainty.

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