September 29, 2024

Richard Glick

Glick: FERC Should Help RTOs Work with States
FERC Commissioner Glick promotes cooporation between states, RTOs and FERC in moving toward renewable energy.
‘Massive’ Clean Energy Stimulus Under Biden Likely
Congress’ first act under Joe Biden would likely be “massive” stimulus spending, including clean energy, to address the pandemic-induced recession.
Energy Bar Association
EBA Panel Probes FERC’s Allegheny Response
A panel examining FERC’s response to the D.C. Circuit’s Allegheny ruling evolved into an in-depth Q&A with acting General Counsel David Morenoff.
FERC Reaffirms NY Storage Mitigation as Glick Dissents
FERC declined to rehear its February order approving a NYISO proposal to apply buyer-side mitigation to energy storage resources.
FERC Upholds MISO Self-fund Order, Glick Dissents
FERC left MISO transmission owners’ ability to self-fund network upgrades intact over a protest from AWEA and the dissent of Commissioner Richard Glick.
Montana Hybrid Ruling Departs from PURPA Precedent
FERC broke with precedent in a decision that will hamstring the ability of hybrid resource developers to optimize the output of projects.
FERC Rejects NYISO Bid to Aid Public Policy Resources
FERC rejected NYISO’s proposal to support policy resources in clearing its capacity market, causing a dissent from Commissioner Richard Glick.
New MISO Sector Gets FERC OK — with a Catch
MISO won FERC approval to create an 11th stakeholder sector for hard-to-categorize members despite some misgivings about the equity of the new arrangement.
NYISO BSM Mitigation Ruling Sparks Glick Rebuke
FERC approved NYISO’s revised buyer-side market power mitigation rules, prompting a scathing dissent from Commissioner Richard Glick.
Panelists: COVID-19 Impact on Tx Planning Unclear
The COVID-19 pandemic has added complexity to near-term electricity demand forecasting, but long-term impacts remain unclear, FERC commissioners heard.

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