RTO adder

Citizens Electric Corp.
FERC Sets Missouri Co-op’s Tx Rate for Hearing
FERC ordered hearing and settlement proceedings into a Missouri electric distribution cooperative’s effort to split from the Wabash Valley Power Association and earn rates on its own as a transmission owner in MISO.
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Appeals Court Rules FERC Improperly Awarded RTO Membership Adder
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled FERC improperly allowed Duke Energy Ohio and FirstEnergy to include the RTO adder in their rates despite participation in an RTO being mandated by Ohio law.
Central Power Electric Cooperative
FERC Accepts, Sets Hearing on ND Co-op’s Tariff Rates
FERC accepted SPP’s proposed tariff revisions modifying Central Power Electric Cooperative’s formula rate template but suspended them for a nominal period subject to refund and established hearing and settlement procedures.
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FERC Approves Rate Incentives for NJ OSW Transmission
FERC approved four rate incentives to Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development to serve offshore wind in New Jersey under the State Agreement Approach with PJM. 
Propel NY Energy
New York PSC Seeks Rehearing of RTO Adder for Offshore Tx Project
The New York Public Service Commission requested a rehearing of FERC’s December order granting a 50-basis-point RTO participation adder for the Propel NY Energy transmission project.
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Citing California Law, FERC Rejects PG&E Request for RTO Adder
FERC rejected PG&E's request for an adder to its transmission rates based on its participation in CAISO, finding that California law precludes it from leaving the ISO without the state’s permission.
Christie Blasts FERC Transmission Incentives in PATH, Brandon Shores Orders

FERC Commissioner Mark Christie used orders on two transmission projects to blast the commission’s “ridiculously generous” incentives.

Michels Corporation
FERC OKs Incentives for Republic Transmission on MISO’s 1st Competitive LRTP Project
FERC approved LS Power’s request for rate incentives for the first competitive project surfacing from MISO’s long-range transmission plan.
FERC Approves Removal of RTO Adder for AEP Ohio Cos.
FERC approved revised rate schedules for two American Electric Power affiliates in Ohio to remove their RTO participation adders.
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FERC Orders Two Ohio Utilities Ineligible for RTO Adder
FERC rescinded RTO participation incentives for two AEP affiliates on the grounds that Ohio law compels transmission owners to participate in an RTO.

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