February 24, 2025

sloped demand curve

MISO Rolls Up Sleeves on Capacity Auction Alterations
MISO broadcast to stakeholders that it’s ready for a sloped demand curve in its capacity auction.
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OMS RA Summit Confronts Midwestern Supply Squeeze
State regulatory staff and MISO executives found no easy answers to solve a burgeoning reliability crisis after converging for a resource adequacy summit.
Potomac Economics
MISO Warming to Patton’s Sloped Demand Curve
MISO's board may be coming around to the idea of using a sloped demand curve to price capacity as the RTO confronts the possibility of resource shortages.
MISO Exec, IMM Debate Next Steps After Capacity Auction Shortfall
A month after its capacity auction revealed a Midwestern supply scarcity, MISO’s Independent Market Monitor and a MISO vice president debated the path forward.
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OMS, Monitor Revive MISO Demand Curve Debate
The OMS and the Independent Market Monitor resuscitated a longstanding debate over whether the RTO should adopt a sloped demand curve in its capacity auctions.
Study Proposes New Capacity Treatment for Oregon
Oregon should recognize the capacity contributions of all resources including variable renewables, according to a report commissioned by the state PUC.
Vistra Declares End of Midwest Coal Fleet
Vistra said MISO’s “irreparably dysfunctional” capacity auction design deserves blame for its decision to shutter the last of its Midwest coal plants.
Steering Committee Advances Roadmap Suggestions
MISO’s Steering Committee routed eight new market improvement proposals to stakeholders for debate and prioritization by voting.
Potomac Economics
MISO Monitor to FERC: Order Sloped Demand Curve
The MISO Market Monitor is seeking to use the RTO’s recent refiling of its resource adequacy construct to force a FERC ruling on changing its capacity demand curve.
MISO Won’t Seek Rehearing on Auction Redesign
MISO notified stakeholders of the decision by letter, explaining that it was influenced by improved planning efforts in the states and FERC's current limbo.

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