Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM)

SEEM’s Sellers Pushes Reliability, Continuity to SERC Board
A representative of the new Southeast Energy Exchange Market assured SERC on Thursday that its reliability role will not change under the new market.
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Corporate Buyers Decry Renewable Caps in Southeast, Renew Call for Market
Utilities in the Southeast are cleaning up their generation fleets, but large consumers say the monopolies remain an obstacle to their decarbonization goals.
FERC Refuses Challenge to SEEM Transparency Changes
FERC rejected a request by opponents of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market for a rehearing of proposed changes to the market.
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Southern Co. Takes Heat over SEEM, Opposition to RTO
A Southern Co. official gamely defended the Southeast Energy Exchange Market in a debate at the RE+ Southeast conference with three RTO proponents.
SEEM Members Launch Engagement Series for Participants
Southeast Energy Exchange Market members launched an informational webinar series for participants prior to the start of market trials in late summer.
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GCPA Panelists Go One on One Over SEEM Proposal
Two experts on either side of the argument debated how the nascent market will work in practice using several basketball references.
FERC Again Rejects Efforts to Overturn SEEM
FERC turned down another set of challenges to the Southeast Energy Exchange Market filed by environmental, clean energy and consumer groups.
Environmental Groups Appeal SEEM in DC Circuit
Opponents of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn FERC's approval of the expanded bilateral market.
FERC Accepts SEEM Revisions on Transparency
FERC accepted changes proposed by members of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market, intended to provide greater transparency and fairness.
Clean Energy Group Denounces TVA’s SEEM Membership
SACE is renewing criticisms that TVA’s upcoming participation in SEEM will stifle renewable resource buildout and shut out more cost-efficient options.

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