October 13, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

Texas Regulators Seek More Details on Sempra Oncor Bid
The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) called for Sempra Energy to prove it’s financially fit to own Oncor, the state's largest utility.
OMS Still Seeking Unity on MISO Tx Cost Allocation
The Organization of MISO States failed to reach consensus on MISO’s cost allocation plans for smaller transmission projects that produce broader benefits.
FERC Orders Section 206 Proceedings for 5 SPP TOs
FERC ordered FPA Section 206 proceedings for five SPP TOs seeking to develop projects under the RTO’s Order 1000 competitive solicitation process.
Rural Electric Cooperative
FERC Backs off Nonpublic Utility Refunds in MISO, SPP
FERC said it will let MISO and SPP work with their stakeholders to determine whether they should require refund commitments from nonpublic utility members.
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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs
SPP stakeholders narrowly rejected a Tariff change that would have established a 1-MW threshold for reporting behind-the-meter network load.
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Colo. Regulators Talk Governance with SPP, Mountain West
SPP and Mountain West Transmission Group representatives worked hard to allay concerns of Colorado regulators who fear they could lose some authority.
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SPP Signs on to RTO Council’s Comments on DOE NOPR
SPP said it will join the ISO/RTO Council’s filing against the Department of Energy’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to support struggling coal and nuclear.
RTOs Reject NOPR; Say Fuel Risks Exaggerated
RTO officials and their Market Monitors unilaterally rejected Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s proposal to provide price supports to coal and nuclear plants.
FERC Again Rejects SPP Rules on ARRs, LTCRs
FERC again ordered SPP to rewrite its rules on auction revenue rights (ARRs) and long-term congestion rights (LTCRs).
SPP to Consider Tx Planning Policy for Energy-Only Resources
SPP staff agreed to bring stakeholders a strawman proposal addressing concerns over the RTO’s transmission planning policy for energy-only resources.

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