February 23, 2025

space heating

National Grid
Mass. DPU Proposes Major Shift in Gas Line Extension Policies
The Massachusetts DPU has proposed requiring customers who request new gas service to cover the full cost of any needed line extensions, which effectively would end utilities’ practice of spreading the costs across their rate base.
Khorramfar et al.
Study Finds Savings from Heating Electrification in New England
While heating electrification in New England is poised to drive major increase in peak demand, electrifying about 80% of households could reduce the combined cost of the region’s electric and gas systems by 21 to 29%, according to a new study.
NJ Legislators Back Alternatives to Electric Heat
New Jersey legislators backed a bill Monday that would prevent state agencies from requiring buildings to use electric heating.
California Energy Commission Adopts 2022 Building Code
The California Energy Commission approved a major update to the state's building code, establishing new requirements for houses and business buildings.
Mass. Officials Hear Call for Gas Utility Rate Reform
Hydrogen or renewable natural gas pilot projects will affect ratepayers and should be “rooted out” in rate cases, according to the Environmental Defense Fund.

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