SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC)

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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs
SPP stakeholders narrowly rejected a Tariff change that would have established a 1-MW threshold for reporting behind-the-meter network load.
SPP, Mountain West Members Get Acquainted
SPP's Markets and Operations Policy Committee meeting in Denver drew record attendance because of the appearance of Mountain West Transmission Group.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: July 11-12, 2017
The SPP Z2 Task Force will likely be a relic of the past, but the issues with credits and obligations for sponsored transmission upgrades aren’t going away.
Divide Evident Between SPP Tx Owners, Users
SPP transmission owners overwhelmingly endorsed voting items favorable to their companies, much to the consternation of other members.
Waiting on FERC, SPP Members Cut Reserve Margin
SPP stakeholders approved a revision request that allows the RTO to lower its planning reserve margin as it waits on a quorum-less FERC.
SPP Adds 95th Member in Wholesaler Southern Power
SPP has increased its membership roster to 95 with the addition of Southern Power, the wholesale arm of utility giant Southern Company.
SPP MOPC Endorses 14 Tx Projects over Objections
SPP stakeholders endorsed $201.5 million in transmission projects despite objections from several entities.
SPP MOPC Rejects Change to Transmission Billing Dispute Procedures
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC) rejected a rule change that would have allowed transmission owners to collect interest in billing disputes, even if they lose.
SPP Briefs
The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) nears the launch of the new gas-day timeline and enhanced combined cycle software as stakeholders approve a minimum threshold for competitive projects under Order 1000.
SPP MOPC Recommends 5-Year Timetable for Resolving $849M Z2 Bill
More than five hours of presentations and stakeholder discussions over two days did little to resolve SPP’s albatross of Z2 credits.

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