January 23, 2025

State of the Market report

SPP Briefs
The SPP Market Monitoring Unit filed its 2015 State of the Market report with FERC, saying the Integrated Marketplace’s second year of operation showed “significant maturing.”
SPP Report Shows Continued Drop in Coal Generation
Coal generation's share of SPP’s energy production continues to slide, according to the RTO’s latest State of the Market report.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
Market Monitor David Patton went before the MISO Market Subcommittee  to begin building stakeholder support for his eight new recommendations.
ERCOT IMM: Low Gas Prices Reduce Costs, Revenue
Cheap natural gas pushed ERCOT's energy costs and congestion revenue to record lows in 2015, the IMM reported in his state of the market report.
PJM LMPs Drop 47% in 1st Quarter
The Independent Market Monitor reported that PJM had lower LMPs, fuel prices and demand in the first quarter in its quarterly State of the Market report.
SPP Briefs: State of the Market, Study w/ AECI
The SPP Market Monitoring Unit released its State of the Market report for the winter months, and the RTO and AECI began their biennial study proc
SPP Report Shows 16% Decrease in Coal Generation
The SPP State of the Market report said coal-fired resources accounted for 52.1% of generation in the fall of 2015, compared to 62.7% in 2013.
Monitor: DR, Market Power Changes Needed
The report concluded that PJM's energy, capacity and regulation markets were competitive for the first nine months of the year.
What Happens to All Those MISO Market Monitor Recommendations?
MISO has a pile of 22 active recommendations made over the years by its Independent Market Monitor, all in various stages of progress. Of 15 past recommendations through the 2013 State of the Market Report, MISO is working to implement six.
PJM Prices Down 31% from Record-Breaking 2014
PJM energy market prices were down almost 40% in the first half of 2015 compared with 2014, while capacity and transmission service charges rose.

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