supplemental projects
PJM's Planning Committee discussed the recommended load model to be used in the 2023 Reserve Requirement Study (RSS), while the TEAC gave an update on the ongoing third window of its 2022 RTEP and the opening of the 2023 RTEP later this month.
State regulators and others urged FERC to increase oversight of “local” transmission projects while TOs insisted existing cost controls are sufficient.
PJM stakeholders asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to require the RTO to exercise more oversight over transmission owners’ end-of-life projects.
The PJM Planning Committee continued fine-tuning the five remaining packages for assigning capacity interconnection rights to ELCC resources.
Transmission owners found themselves on the defensive throughout FERC's technical conference on transmission planning and cost management.
Stakeholders endorsed PJM’s proposals for mitigating and avoiding designating projects as critical infrastructure under NERC reliability standards.
PJM stakeholders at the MRC rejected two proposals aimed at addressing a dispute over black start units' capital recovery factor.
PJM incumbent TOs won a victory as the Planning Committee endorsed a new regional targeted market efficiency project process that would be excluded from competition.
PJM’s transmission owners gave their response to the push to open end-of-life projects to competition and regional planning at a special meeting.
Stakeholders urged the PJM board to ensure the “grid of the future” is planned regionally rather than controlled by individual transmission owners.
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