February 22, 2025

supply curve

Our summary of issues discussed and voted on at the PJM MRC and MC on Thursday, 6/26/14 with no surprises or lengthy debate.
UPDATED: Load Balks at Supply Curve Fix in Response to Auction Strategies
Load representatives concerned by reports of generators’ bidding strategies in May’s PJM capacity auction reacted by threatening to block an initiative by Exelon Corp. to provide more informative supply curves.
Bowring: Reject Revised Supply Curves
The Market Monitor said members should reject proposals to change the way capacity supply curves are represented, saying they would expose confidential data.
MIC Begins Work on Curve-Smoothing, Gen Adders
Stakeholders began work last week on an initiative to create more accurate capacity market price curves and a recommendation by the Market Monitor to eliminate adders for FMUs.

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