Sustainable FERC Project

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Generation Developers Ask for Scoring System on MISO Queue Fast Track
Groups of generation owners and developers have asked MISO to adopt a queue fast lane only as a last resort and employ a more limited process that involves scoring criteria to gain entry.
MISO Outlines Plan on Fast-track Queue for Resource Adequacy
MISO hopes to file a proposal in February to create an exclusive, faster route through its interconnection queue for generation projects that are key to maintaining resource adequacy.
Talen Energy
PIO Complaint Faults PJM Treatment of Deactivating Generation
Several public interest organizations have filed a complaint with FERC contending PJM’s capacity market inflates consumer prices by not counting generators operating on RMR agreements as a form of capacity.
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Environmental Groups Seek Rehearing of MISO Sloped Demand Curve
The Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council and the Sustainable FERC Project are seeking a rehearing of MISO’s sloped demand curve in its capacity auction.
Clean Energy Orgs Push Entergy Players to Consider Broader Cost Allocation
Clean energy nonprofits continued to try to persuade Entergy and MISO South state commissioners to embrace a broader view of cost allocation for an upcoming long-range transmission portfolio the RTO intends for the subregion.
Analysis Group
Senate Confirms Chang as Clements’ Replacement on FERC
The Senate confirmed Judy Chang to a five-year term at FERC, meaning the commission will be at a full complement of five members even after Commissioner Allison Clements leaves at the end of June.
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MISO, SPP to Conduct Interregional Study in 2024
MISO and SPP agreed to conduct another coordinated system plan study along their seam this year, although five previous studies have failed to produce a single interregional joint project.
HDR Inc.
MISO Set on March Accreditation Filing, Stakeholders Push for Slowdown
MISO said it has landed on a final design in its quest to move to a sweeping capacity accreditation that will better measure generators’ availability based on predetermined risky hours.
Grid Strategies
Minimum Transfer Capability Between Regions Debated at FERC
Parties filing comments with FERC on expanding interregional transfer capability mostly supported the concept, though opinions were split on how to get there.
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Westerners Get Tips on Being ‘Little Bitty Cog’ in an RTO World
Western regulators and consumer advocates should be prepared to commit much time and resources to RTO membership, panel members said at NARUC's summer meeting.

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