September 29, 2024

Texas Reliability Entity (TX RE)

Babcock Ranch
NERC Troubled by Responses to IBR Alert
Responses to NERC's Level 2 alert indicate widespread issues with performance of inverter-based resources.
FERC Approves ERO 2024 Budgets
FERC OK'd the 2024 business plans and budgets for the ERO, though Commissioner James Danly called for “a significant improvement in … speed and agility.”  
Weatherization Practices Paying Off in Texas
Texas reliability and regulator officials are praising the state's efforts to weatherize their facilities following the disastrous 2021 winter storm, while the results bear them out.
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NERC’s DeFontes Calls for Industry Balance
NERC's Ken DeFontes says the grid’s three competing objectives, reliability, affordability and the environment, are being thrown out of whack by policymakers focused on environmental legislation.
DERs’ Deployment Leads to Increasing Cyber Threats
As DERs play a growing role in electric reliability, ensuring their protection from cybersecurity threats has become increasingly vital, the Texas RE heard.
Personnel, Meeting Costs Drive 2024 ERO Budget Hikes
EROs are increasing their budgets for 2024, with the increases largely funding personnel and meetings. Draft budgets are available for stakeholder comment.
NERC Board of Trustees/MRC Briefs: May 10-11, 2023
NERC's Board of Trustees on Thursday approved the organization’s first-ever Level 3 alert at its quarterly meeting.
Texas RE
Texas RE Sees Opportunity in Cold Weather Standards
NERC’s new cold weather standards give utilities considerable freedom in implementation, which is both an opportunity and a danger, Texas RE heard.
E-ISAC’s Duncan Warns Cyber Threats Growing
The North American electric grid remains under threat from “capable adversaries” around the world, E-ISAC staff told a forum on Thursday.
NERC: Cyber Intrusions Affected Multiple Regions in 2022
While none of the incidents affected reliability, evidence of attackers’ efforts to sabotage the grid “highlights the continued need for vigilance,” NERC said.

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