Texas Reliability Entity (TX RE)
FERC approved a $40,000 penalty against multiple Duke Energy facilities for violations of NERC reliability standards.
A report by FERC, NERC and Texas RE focused on the risk of natural gas disruptions to utilities' black-start restoration plans.
The Texas Reliability Entity says ERCOT generators’ winterization efforts are in “pretty good shape” in preparing for a NERC cold-weather standard.
FERC accepted changes to Texas RE's regional standards development process intended to give the RE more flexibility and align it with NERC.
Responses to NERC's Level 2 alert indicate widespread issues with performance of inverter-based resources.
FERC OK'd the 2024 business plans and budgets for the ERO, though Commissioner James Danly called for “a significant improvement in … speed and agility.”
Texas reliability and regulator officials are praising the state's efforts to weatherize their facilities following the disastrous 2021 winter storm, while the results bear them out.
NERC's Ken DeFontes says the grid’s three competing objectives, reliability, affordability and the environment, are being thrown out of whack by policymakers focused on environmental legislation.
As DERs play a growing role in electric reliability, ensuring their protection from cybersecurity threats has become increasingly vital, the Texas RE heard.
EROs are increasing their budgets for 2024, with the increases largely funding personnel and meetings. Draft budgets are available for stakeholder comment.
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