January 22, 2025

Texas Senate (TX Senate)

Texas Admin Monitor
PUC Workshop Takes First Stab at Market Changes
Texas regulators discussed with ERCOT market participants potential changes to an energy market that has been virtually untouched for almost 20 years.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Aug. 10, 2021
The ERCOT Board of Directors agreed to approve the 2022-2023 biennial budget and to keep the administrative fee at its current rate.
Texas Senate Business & Commerce Committee
ERCOT Issues ‘Roadmap to Grid Reliability’
ERCOT has released a 60-point roadmap designed to improve the Texas Interconnection’s reliability and resource adequacy.
Matthew T Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Fixing the Texas Grid – Maybe
ERCOT insiders at ACORE's Finance Forum spoke candidly on the causes and lessons learned from Texas' February outages.
Abbott Signs Texas Grid Legislation into Law
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a pair of comprehensive reform bills that he said would fix the “flaws” that lead to February’s power failure.
Texas House of Representatives
Texas Legislators Finish Work on Electricity Market — for Now
The Texas Legislature has adjourned, having passed just enough reforms in the wake of February's arctic event to protect the ERCOT grid this summer.

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