October 9, 2024

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

FirstEnergy Calls out FERC ‘Failure’ to Act on Resilience
FirstEnergy Solutions says ISO-NE’s request to prop up Exelon’s Mystic plant shows why FERC should take emergency action to bail out coal and nuclear.
Please Feel Free to Surprise Us
The authors of the DOE memo supporting coal and nuclear subsidies took the spaghetti approach – throw everything against the wall and hope something sticks.
FirstEnergy Solutions, Energy Information Administration Electric Power Monthly, March 2018
Five Questions on Trump’s Coal, Nuke Bailout
Since President Trump directed Energy Secretary Rick Perry to prevent additional coal and nuclear plant retirements, the administration has provided no additional details.
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With Big Nukes Dwindling, Supporters Focus on Modular
Small modular reactors are more easily tailored to varying usage and sites, industry experts told the annual meeting of Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners (WCPSC).
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Dems Hit Coal, Nuke Bailout at House Hearing
A senior DOE official told Congress the department has no estimates on the cost of the coal and nuclear power bailout President Trump ordered.
UPDATED: FERC Blindsided by Half-Baked Trump Order
FERC was given no advance notice of the President Trump directive to Rick Perry regarding coal and nuclear plants and has been provided no details since, officials said.
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More Questions than Answers for FERC, RTOs on Bailout
FERC officials and RTO executives still had more questions than answers this week regarding the Department of Energy’s (DOE) plans for rescuing at risk nuclear and coal plants.
Trump Orders Coal, Nuke Bailout, Citing National Security
President Trump on Friday ordered Energy Secretary Rick Perry to take immediate action to prevent the loss of coal and nuclear plants, saying the economic and environmental challenges forcing their retirements threaten national security.
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Resilience, Storms, Survival are Topics at New Mexico Forum
The severity of the 2017 hurricane season was a major topic at New Mexico State University’s annual Current Issues Conference this year.
Perry Hints DOE Won’t Grant FES ‘Emergency’ Request
Energy Secretary Rick Perry indicated he was not likely to declare an emergency to keep FirstEnergy Solutions’ (FES) struggling power plants operating.

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