U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Nearing 1-Year Mark, Glick Rejects ‘National Security’ Grid Risk
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick reiterated his opposition to the Trump administration’s efforts to protect coal and nuclear generation.
UPDATED: Chatterjee Dodges as DOE Spins on Coal Bailout
FERC Commissioner Neil Chatterjee and Assistant Department of Energy Secretary Bruce Walker pledged to continue their work on grid resilience.
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Trump Nominates DOE’s McNamee to FERC
President Trump nominated the Department of Energy’s Bernard McNamee to replace former FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson.
Enviros, Industrials Challenge DOE Study on LNG Exports
Environmentalists and industrial consumers challenged a DOE-funded study that concludes U.S. economic growth would be boosted by unlimited LNG exports.
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DOE Rejects NARUC Invites on Coal, Nuke Bailout
Department of Energy officials rejected invitations to talk at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit, claiming weather problems and schedule conflicts.
DOE Renewable Nominee Sidesteps Controversy
President Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy program evaded controversy in his confirmation hearing.
FirstEnergy Calls out FERC ‘Failure’ to Act on Resilience
FirstEnergy Solutions says ISO-NE’s request to prop up Exelon’s Mystic plant shows why FERC should take emergency action to bail out coal and nuclear.
Please Feel Free to Surprise Us
The authors of the DOE memo supporting coal and nuclear subsidies took the spaghetti approach – throw everything against the wall and hope something sticks.
FirstEnergy Solutions, Energy Information Administration Electric Power Monthly, March 2018
Five Questions on Trump’s Coal, Nuke Bailout
Since President Trump directed Energy Secretary Rick Perry to prevent additional coal and nuclear plant retirements, the administration has provided no additional details.
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With Big Nukes Dwindling, Supporters Focus on Modular
Small modular reactors are more easily tailored to varying usage and sites, industry experts told the annual meeting of Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners (WCPSC).

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