U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

NARUC Panelists See Need to Define, Price Resiliency
Panelists discussing the DOE NOPR on grid resiliency at the NARUC Annual Meeting agreed that energy markets should put a price on what the grid needs.
No End Seen to State-Federal Tensions
Speakers at last week's NARUC Annual Meeting agreed that state-federal tension over electricity policy is likely to continue.
Chatterjee: ‘We’ve Moved Past’ DOE NOPR
FERC Chair Neil Chatterjee defended his idea for interim price supports as a response to the Department of Energy’s grid resiliency pricing rule proposal.
DOE, Pugliese Press ‘Baseload’ Rescue at NARUC
Department of Energy officials traveled to Baltimore to make their case for coal and nuclear price supports at the NARUC Annual Meeting.
Counterflow: Clunker Poster Child
Are you up for a pop quiz today? See how you do answering Steve Huntoon's trivia questions on FirstEnergy's coal-fired W.H. Sammis plant.
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Cooperation, DOE NOPR, State RFPs the Topics at NECBC Meeting
Speakers at the New England-Canada Business Council's annual conference discussed the DOE NOPR and state renewable portfolio standards.
Chatterjee to Push Interim ‘Lifeboat’ for Coal, Nukes
FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee said he will seek an interim “lifeboat” to ensure the survival of struggling coal and nuclear plants.
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Early Adopter Pa. Worried by Retreat from Competitive Markets
The 7th Annual Pennsylvania Energy Management Conference featured discussions about state policy, the DOE NOPR and zero-emission credits.
NOPR Reply Comments Bring More Criticism of PJM Proposal
PJM’s proposed alternative to the DOE NOPR came under fire, as regulators and other RTOs joined Monitor Joe Bowring in opposition.
NOPR Backers, Foes Seek Last Word at Comment Deadline
Nuclear and coal generators made their argument for price supports, as opponents urged FERC to allow stakeholders time to debate the value of resilience.

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