October 10, 2024

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

DOE Issues Recommendations on Cyberattack Protections
The second Quadrennial Energy Review from the Department of Energy turned its attention to cybersecurity risks facing the nation’s electric grid.
SPP Requests DOE Approval to Export Power to Canada
SPP has filed an application with the DOE to transmit electricity from the U.S. into Canada, using Basin Electric’s existing transmission.
Trump Transition Bodes Ill for Clean Power Plan
President-elect Donald Trump selected a climate change skeptic as EPA administrator, while his transition team was accused of conducting a "witch hunt."
CPP, FERC’s Bay, Honorable Among Losers in Trump Win
What does a Donald Trump energy policy look like? Count the Clean Power Plan, DOE's R&D budget and FERC's Norman Bay among the losers.
White House Announces Nationwide EV Charging Network
The federal government will create 48 “charging corridors” across nearly 25,000 miles of interstate highways in 35 states and D.C.
House, Senate Conferees Begin Work to Narrow Differences on Energy Bill
House and Senate negotiators met for the first time Thursday in an effort to reach agreement on the first broad energy bill in almost a decade.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
ERCOT told its Technical Advisory Committee that it has drafted a revision to its planning guide requiring energy developers to notify the Department of Defense of any projects near military installations.
Arkansas Landowners Seek to Stop Plains Eastern Clean Line Project
Two Arkansas landowner groups filed suit to block the 700-mile HVDC Plains & Eastern Clean Line project, questioning the legality of the project’s approval and its right to use eminent domain.
DOE Announces $220M for Grid Modernization
RTOs and ISOs will take part in 15 research and development projects awarded almost $38 million in funding by the Energy Department.
Transportation Bill Includes Grid Security Measures
The bill includes includes provisions intended to protect the grid from terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

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