March 10, 2025

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Duke Energy
Federal Briefs
Briefs from federal agencies governing PJM Interconnection and other national organizations. This week's news include stories from Congress, the US Dept. of Energy, the EPA, FERC, NEI, and other national news.
PJM to Consider Market Changes for Gas-Fired Generators
Operators of gas-fired generators could include the costs of ensuring fuel supplies in their energy market offers under changes being considered by PJM.
Cyber Attacks on PJM: When, Not If
How PJM Interconnection practices cyber security. An attack is a question of when, not if, says an RTO official.
Frequency Regulation: The `Wedge’ for Energy Storage
A 2010 white paper by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) identified 10 applications for energy storage across the entire electricity supply chain.
Energy Storage: Ready for its Close-Up?
Advanced energy storage is ready to move beyond pilot projects and into day-to-day operations. But it will take rule changes and cost reductions for the technologies to reach their potential.
DOE Study: Carbon Capture No Salvation for Coal
Coal boosters who hope carbon capture technology will ensure the fuel’s future will find little support in a report for planners in the Eastern Interconnection.
State Briefs
State briefs from around PJM's footprint. Included this week are Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Federal Briefs
Federal Briefs - news items from federal agencies that impact companies doing business in PJM. Today's stories include news from the DOE and FERC.
PJM Small Hydro Potential: 1.5 GW
Two bipartisan bills signed by President Obama this month may open PJM to new generation from hydropower - a source many thought was fully exploited.
PJM States Seek ‘First Mover’ Status
PJM's Atlantic states are ideally located to pursue offshore wind, with shallow coasts similar to Europe, where utility-scale offshore wind is 10+ years old

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