September 29, 2024

Vistra Energy

Southern California Edison
CAISO, WEIM Boards Back Reliability Enhancements
The CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body adopted resource sufficiency and storage changes to promote summer reliability.
Judges Skeptical of Capacity Sellers in PJM Offer Cap Dispute
Generators faced skeptical questioning from D.C. Circuit judges in their bid to overturn PJM’s capacity offer cap rules.
Sierra Club
FERC: Vistra Can Skip MISO IC Rules for Storage Projects
FERC approved Vistra’s request to bypass MISO’s generator interconnection procedures to quickly add battery storage projects at two retiring fossil fuel plants.
Vistra’s Generation Produces During Texas Summer
Vistra said its generation fleet provided 96% commercial availability during Texas’ record-breaking summer, helping smooth the volatility of fuel prices.
Mystic Cost Worries Highlight NEPOOL PC Meeting
A group of New England suppliers is raising worries about the costs of the cost-of-service agreement between ISO-NE and the Mystic Generating Station.
Vistra Stays the Course Despite Q2 Loss
Vistra CEO Jim Burke says he remains confident in the company's value proposition, even as it turned in a major second-quarter loss.
Low PJM Capacity Prices No Bargain, Coal & Gas Generators Say
Gas- and coal-fired generators said the sharp price drop in PJM’s 2023/24 capacity auction shows the RTO’s long-term reliability is at risk.
Vistra: Hedged for Tight Gas Market Conditions
Vistra executives are confident their hedging strategy leaves the company “very well positioned” to take advantage of a tight natural gas market.
FERC, NERC Drill down on Generators’ Winter Readiness
FERC and NERC continue to gather information from utilities, generators and grid operators on maintaining electric reliability during severe cold weather.
Office of Governor Charlie Baker
Mass. Breaks from New England States on ISO-NE MOPR
Massachusetts broke from NESCOE's stance on the elimination of ISO-NE's MOPR, saying the rule should be disposed of as soon as possible, without any delay.

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