September 29, 2024

Vistra Energy

New England Power Generators Association
IPPs See Danger in Swift Move from Gas and Coal
Independent power producers warned that policymakers are risking reliability by attempting to transition too quickly from gas and coal to renewables.
ISO-NE Internal Market Monitor
Monitor, Merchants Challenge ISO-NE Plan to Eliminate MOPR
Merchant generators joined ISO-NE’s Internal Market Monitor in warning that the RTO’s proposal to eliminate MOPR will suppress prices.
Vistra Recovering from Winter Storm’s Costs
Vistra continued its recovery from Winter Storm Uri with a solid third quarter, and it already has begun to look toward future investments.
PJM Requests Rehearing of MSOC Change
PJM requested a rehearing and clarification of FERC’s order to replace its market seller offer cap, arguing that the new construct would prove burdensome.
PJM MRC Briefs: Sept. 29, 2021
The PJM MRC and MC approved several initiatives at their meetings, including a new task force to examine the alignment of the gas and electric markets.
Crispins C. Crispian, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
NEPOOL Stakeholders Discuss Transition Mechanisms for MOPR
NEPOOL stakeholders and ISO-NE continue to work on eliminating the MOPR from the capacity market, discussing multiple proposals on transitional mechanisms.
Utilities Still Dealing with Feb. Storm Aftermath
Vistra's CEO said the company's gas resources will find a home when ERCOT redesigns its market in response to the February winter storm.
East St. Louis School District 189
DC Circuit Sides with Public Citizen over 2015 MISO Capacity Auction
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Public Citizen that FERC hasn't explained why it continues to uphold the expensive Southern Illinois capacity price produced in MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction.
Stakeholders Discuss PJM Capacity Auction Impacts
The early impacts of PJM’s first capacity auction in three years began to emerge Thursday as Exelon reiterated plans to retire two of its nuclear plants.
Decommissioning Fund for Comanche Peak Tops $1.3B
The Texas Public Utility Commission approved a change to the decommissioning funds for Vistra Energy’s Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant.

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