Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)

AEP, DTE, Others Face NERC Penalties
FERC accepted settlements for violations of NERC reliability standards, with AEP, DTE, Eversource, PGE and Exelon among those hit with monetary penalties.
WECC Board Adopts Reliability Risk List
WECC took a step further into its role as RA monitor after its board approved a resolution listing the risk factors it plans to prioritize.
Coronavirus, Cybersecurity Top WECC Board Discussion
Threats from the COVID-19 coronavirus and computer viruses occupied much of the discussion at the WECC Board of Directors meeting.
FERC Approves NERC Violation Settlements
FERC accepted settlements with Bonneville Power Administration, FirstLight Power and an unnamed entity for violating NERC reliability standards.
WECC Should Keep it Regional, Stakeholders Say
WECC should zero in on issues specific to the Western system when it sets near-term priorities for 2021 and 2022, stakeholders said at a workshop.
WECC Seeks More Collaborative Planning
WECC will launch an initiative to tighten coordination and clarify who does what among the planning groups, utilities and industry stakeholders.
Westward Ho: SPP Now a Western RC Provider
SPP became the first regional transmission organization to handle RC services in the Eastern and Western Interconnections.
Online Voting Tops WECC MAC Charter Proposals
Members of the WECC Member Advisory Committee heard a number of proposed changes to their charter, most prominently a plan to authorize electronic voting.
No ‘Hiccups’ for West’s RC Transition
All systems are go as WECC enters the final stretch to ensure its dozens of balancing authorities safely integrate into new Reliability Coordinators.
Certification Team Checks SPP’s Western RC Function
The certification process for SPP’s reliability coordination function in the Western Interconnection began with an on-site visit by two dozen industry reps.

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