Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)
Speakers at this year’s Western Reliability Summit discussed the growth of solar, the challenges of cybersecurity and the dangers of climate change.
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council continued to deal with issues related to this year’s reliability coordinator transition at its board of directors meeting.
The NERC Board of Trustees authorized management to terminate the agreement between the organization and the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council.
In many ways, PJM's 2018 was much like years before, with capacity and energy market rules under constant redesign. Some stakeholders have grown weary of the churn.
CAISO will tackle its new role as reliability coordinator in 2019, and California lawmakers will struggle with preventing wildfires sparked by power lines.
SPP's Western Reliability Executive Committee pushed back against suggestions that the RTO coordinate its go-live date with that of CAISO.
The reliability coordinator transition in the West topped the discussion at a meeting of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council board.
FERC approved a set of Tariff revisions covering California Independent System Operator's new reliability coordinator services.
NERC’s Board of Trustees and Member Representatives Committee held their quarterly meetings at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta. Here are some of the highlights.
WECC focused on the issues and challenges surrounding the balkanization of reliability coordination in the Western Interconnection at its annual meeting.
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