The California PUC began investigating the safety practices of gas and electric utilities under its jurisdiction to head off disasters.
CPUC President Marybel Batjer — who has tackled wildfires, blackouts and PG&E — said she'll leave at the end of the year, with five years left in her term.
Gov. Gavin Newsom stood in the smoke of Sequoia National Park on Thursday to discuss the $15 billion California is spending on climate resilience.
California air quality regulators are devising a program to lower increased emissions that may occur as the state tries to meet energy demand during severe weather.
The California Energy Commission decided to issue emergency licenses for gas generators of 10 MW or more as the state faces up to a 3,500 MW shortfall.
The near shutdown of the California-Oregon Intertie by a wildfire renewed concerns about the vulnerability of major transmission pathways.
PG&E said one of its lines may have ignited the 30,000-acre Dixie Fire burning northeast of Paradise, a town destroyed by a PG&E-caused fire three years ago.
Blaming climate change, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee declared a drought emergency for nearly all of the state.
CAISO issued a grid warning as a wildfire in Oregon threatened one of the major transmission pathways between California and the Pacific Northwest.
California's efforts to boost the role that natural and working lands play in the state’s climate strategy are gaining momentum as officials draft strategic plans.
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