September 29, 2024

Willie Phillips

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Biden Names Phillips Acting FERC Chairman
President Biden named Willie Phillips as acting FERC chairman, replacing Richard Glick.
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FERC Rejects Sale of AEP’s Kentucky Operations to Liberty
FERC rejected the sale of American Electric Power’s Kentucky operations to Algonquin Power & Utilities subsidiary Liberty Utilities.
Niskanen Center
FERC Considers Interregional Transfer Requirements
In a workshop, FERC commissioners and stakeholders debated the pros and cons of requiring minimum transfer capability between regions to promote reliability.
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Federal-State Task Force on Tx Debates Deeper Project Reviews
The Joint Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission convened during NARUC’s meeting to talk local project review and best practices on cost management.
FERC Panelists Talk Cyber, Grid Transformation Challenges
At FERC’s annual reliability technical conference, commissioners focused on work needed to prepare the bulk power system for rapidly developing challenges.
Transmission Owners, RTOs Defend Planning, Cost Control Practices
Transmission owners found themselves on the defensive throughout FERC's technical conference on transmission planning and cost management.
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Murphy Outlines NJ Building Electrification Push
New Jersey has formed a multi-stakeholder task force to plan how to accelerate the effort to reduce emissions from buildings, Gov. Phil Murphy announced.
FERC Seeking Solutions for New England Winter Reliability
FERC’s members discussed New England's winter fuel security problems and once again highlighted the commission's philosophical divide along party lines.
Institute for Policy Integrity
Bottlenecks, Cybersecurity, EJ Top of Mind for FERC’s Phillips
FERC's Willie Phillips joined the Institute for Policy Integrity to discuss a shifting U.S. energy landscape and how FERC is aiding the clean power transition.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Accepts ISO-NE’s MOPR Transition Plan
FERC reluctantly accepted ISO-NE’s plan to remove its minimum offer price rule after a two-year transition period.

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