winter readiness
FERC must look beyond reliability standards to boost electric industry winter readiness, says R Street Institute's Michael Giberson.
The NCUC chair consumer advocate faced lawmakers' questions on the state's first-ever rotating outages stemming from a December storm.
FERC ordered two new NERC reliability standards in response to the February 2021 winter storm that nearly led to the collapse of the Texas Interconnection.
NYISO updated the OC on the December snowstorm's impact on grid operations, highlighting a sharp shortfall in scheduled generation on Christmas Eve.
NV Energy told Nevada regulators that “extreme weather” and wet snow caused outages that cut power to nearly 124,000 customers at the start of the year.
ISO-NE will start 2023 like it starts every year: worrying about the winter weather.
ERCOT’s board has stripped away its corporate members’ right to vote on future changes to the bylaws, rejecting stakeholders’ alternative recommendation.
NYISO’s Operating Committee approved a winter study, tariff revisions to improve transmission study coordination and manual updates for ICLs.
The ISO's latest seasonal assessment shows it has more than 87 GW on hand to meet a forecast peak demand of 67.4 GW this winter.
New York TOs proposed tariff amendments that would clarify their ability to exercise a ROFR for public policy transmission network upgrade facility upgrades.
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