February 23, 2025
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Feb. 6, 2020
Peak-hour Load Underestimated 3 Days in January
PJM under-forecasted the peak hour load on three days in January, the Operating Committee heard.

VALLEY FORGE, Pa. — PJM under-forecasted the peak hour load on three days in January, staffer Stephanie Monzon told the Operating Committee on Thursday.

Monzon said lower-than-anticipated temperatures on Jan. 5 and 18 spiked load by as much as 5% above estimates. On Jan. 2, load rebounding faster than expected from New Year’s Day meant PJM’s forecast was off by more than 4%. The RTO commits to a 3% margin of error for daily load forecasts.

PJM Operating Committee
Daily peak forecast error in January | PJM

TO/TOP Matrix

The OC unanimously agreed to recommend TO/TOP matrix revisions to the Transmission Owners Advisory Committee for endorsement later this month.

The latest version of the matrix cuts about 20 pages of NERC standards that were retired in 2017. The slimmer manual will make the matrix easier for TOs and PJM’s auditors to use, staff said.

Manual 40: Training and Certification

The committee unanimously endorsed revisions to Manual 40: Training and Certification stemming from a periodic review. Various sections, including 2.3.4, 3.3 and 3.4, were updated to reflect correct operator/dispatch terminology and temporary waiver language for training and certification compliance. Staff also removed Section 4: PJM Operator Training entirely.

– Christen Smith

Energy MarketPJM Operating Committee (OC)Transmission Operations

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