NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Feb. 12, 2020
External ICAP Rights
NYISO stakeholders approved external ICAP limits and changes to the Transmission Congestion Contracts Manual during the Business Issues Committee meeting.

NYISO can import 505 MW above grandfathered rights from its neighboring control areas for capability year 2020/21, with 332 MW available from ISO-NE and 152 MW from PJM, under the revised installed capacity (ICAP) values approved by the Business Issues Committee on Wednesday. Quebec and Ontario can add another 21 MW.

Including existing transmission capacity for native load, and other grandfathered rights, the ISO’s biggest import sources are PJM (1,232 MW) and Quebec (1,116 MW).

The individual limits allowed under the ISO’s MARS simulations were prorated to ensure they do not violate the loss-of-load expectation criterion. All of the resulting imports were deemed deliverable, said Frank Ciani, of NYISO’s capacity market operations unit.

NYISO can import 505 MW above grandfathered rights from its neighboring control areas for capability year 2020/21, with 332 MW available from ISO-NE and 152 MW from PJM. The grandfathered rights include existing transmission capacity for native load. | NYISO

The analysis excluded interface facilities with unforced capacity deliverability rights, controllable lines from PJM into the New York Control Area and the Northeast Utilities Service Co. 1385 line.

The BIC approved a motion to update Section 4.9.6 of the Installed Capacity Manual to reflect the results without opposition or discussion during the brief meeting.

The revised limits represent an increase of 62 MW over 2019/20, with PJM’s limit increased by 120 MW and Ontario’s reduced by 113 MW. The summer capability period strip auction opens March 30.

Transmission Congestion Contracts

In its only other action, the BIC approved revisions to the Transmission Congestion Contracts Manual, which was last updated in 2017.

The revisions add the historic fixed-price transmission congestion contracts extension product and incorporate technical bulletins on the PJM-NYISO interconnection scheduling protocol and modeling of the Rainey and Blissville phase-angle regulators.

– Rich Heidorn Jr.

Capacity MarketFinancial Transmission Rights (FTR)NYISO Business Issues CommitteeTransmission Operations

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