February 23, 2025
PJM MRC/MC Preview: April 21, 2021
Manual revisions and critical infrastructure protection are just some of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at PJM's MRC and MC meetings.

Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees on Wednesday. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage in RTO Insider.

RTO Insider will be covering the discussions and votes. See next Tuesday’s newsletter for a full report.

Markets and Reliability Committee

Consent Agenda (9:10-9:15)

B. The MRC will be asked to endorse proposed revisions to Manual 14D: Generator Operational Requirements regarding the Resource Tracker ownership confirmation requirement. At the Operating Committee meeting in March, stakeholders unanimously endorsed a “quick fix” to address information entered into the Resource Tracker application. (See “Resource Tracker Ownership Endorsed,” PJM Operating Committee Briefs: March 11, 2021.)

Endorsements/Approvals (9:15-10:15)

1. Long-term Five-minute Dispatch and Pricing (9:15-9:30)

Members will be asked to endorse the proposed solution and associated tariff and Operating Agreement revisions addressing the long-term five-minute dispatch and pricing changes. MC endorsement will also be sought. Stakeholders at the March Market Implementation Committee meeting unanimously endorsed a proposal by PJM and the Independent Market Monitor on the long-term five-minute dispatch evaluation that was under consideration for several months. (See “5-Minute Dispatch Plan Endorsed,” PJM MIC Briefs: March 10, 2021.)

2. Capital Recovery Factor for Avoidable Project Investment Cost Determinations (9:30-9:45)

Stakeholders will be asked to endorse the proposed solution and associated tariff revisions addressing the capital recovery factor (CRF) for avoidable project investment cost determinations. The MC will also vote on the proposed solution. PJM said the CRF values on a table of section 6.8 of Attachment DD of PJM tariff needs updating to reflect current federal tax laws. (See “Capital Recovery Factor Endorsed,” PJM MIC Briefs: March 10, 2021.)

3. Critical Infrastructure Stakeholder Oversight (CISO) (9:45-10:15)

The MRC will be asked to endorse the proposed solutions and changes to Manual 14BManual 14F and the Operating Agreement to address the mitigation and avoidance of future CIP-014 (critical infrastructure protection) facilities. The committee will be asked to separately endorse the proposed mitigation and avoidance solutions. (See “CISO First Read,” PJM MRC/MC Briefs: March 29, 2021.)

Members Committee

Consent Agenda (1:10-1:15)

B. Stakeholders will be asked to endorse proposed revisions to Manual 34: PJM Stakeholder Process addressing motions and amendments. The revisions, which were under review for more than a year at the Stakeholder Process Forum, modify three sections in Manual 34, including a clarification on when members can bring an issue directly to the MC for a vote. (See “Manual 34 Revisions,” PJM MRC/MC Briefs: March 29,2021.)

C. Members will be asked to approve proposed revisions to remove the transmission loading relief (TLR) buy-through congestion process from the Operating Agreement. TLR buy-through is a tool PJM uses to curtail interchange transactions that cause loop flow to the RTO around the time emergency procedures are being conducted to reduce the impact on a flowgate or a transmission facility. The process was created when PJM was fully within the Mid-Atlantic region and was issued more frequently than it is today, according to the RTO. (See “TLR Buy-through Quick Fix,” PJM Operating Committee Briefs: March 11, 2021.)

Energy MarketGenerationPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)

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