March 25, 2025

June 2015

Project Interest Overwhelms New York’s Green Bank
New York’s Green Bank has generated so much interest from clean energy and energy efficiency developers that it is asking to borrow from the private sector.
Plains Eastern Tx Line Foes Cry Foul over DOE Review
Opponents of Clean Line Energy’s proposed Plains & Eastern project say the Department of Energy is conducting reviews of the transmission line without a proper rulemaking process.
Federal Briefs
This week's FERC and federal briefs include news on the Energy Department, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the House of Representatives.
NEPGA: Order Sloped Demand Curve in FCA 10
NEPGA says ISO-NE should adhere to a planned change to a sloped demand curve in the next Forward Capacity Auction.
Transmission Developer: PJM TOs Inflating Upgrade Costs for ARRs
A merchant transmission developer accused several PJM transmission owners of inflating the costs of upgrades necessary to approve three auction revenue rights requests.
Dominion CEO: Ignore the Fringes, not the Science
Dominion Resources CEO Tom Farrell spoke of the challenges of social media, the promise of utility-scale solar and the dangers of “magical thinking.”
Exelon: EPA Plan Will Get Nuclear Issue ‘Half Right’
“My guess is EPA is going to largely ignore the problem and hope that nuclear plants don’t retire,” an Exelon executive said.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on June 25, 2015.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on FirstEnergy, Oncor, Columbia Pipeline Group, DTE Energy, Duke Energy, NextEra Energy and Bill Gates.
Ideas to Reform MISO Out-of-Cycle Process Emerge
MISO stakeholders have submitted recommendations for refining the out-of-cycle request process in the wake of transmission developer complaints.

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