March 25, 2025

December 2023

Biden Admin. Releases Proposed Rules for Hydrogen Tax Credits
Hydrogen producers seeking tax credits will need to use new clean energy time-matched to demand, the Biden administration proposed.
ISO-NE Details Order 2023 Tariff Changes
ISO-NE outlined key components of tariff changes it plans to comply with Order 2023, including cluster timelines and storage study assumptions.
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CAISO Wins (Nearly) Sweeping FERC Approval for EDAM
CAISO marked a key milestone in its Western expansion efforts after FERC approved nearly every aspect of its proposed Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Analysis Shows No Contamination from NY BESS Fires

A review has found no sign so far of environmental damage or health risks from three battery energy storage fires in New York state in mid-2023.

DTE Energy
EPA, FERC Hear from Stakeholders on Reliability
Both EPA and FERC received comments on how reliability can be maintained under the former’s power plant rule that requires fossil fuel-fired units to curtail their emissions.
Westside Governance Pathways Initiative
Western RTO Initiative Outlines Governance Options
The group working to establish a single Western RTO heard summaries of five potential options for a new governing body that could be independent of CAISO.
D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
SEEM’s Opponents Return to DC Circuit
Opponents of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market want the federal courts to examine FERC's approval of the market.
NJ Seeks to Advance Sole OSW Project After Ørsted Withdrawal

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities dismissed a citizen petition seeking to reassess the cost to ratepayers of Atlantic Shores, the state's sole offshore wind project in active development.

Wood Mackenzie
US Storage Market Sees Strong Growth, Strong Headwinds
Grid- or utility-scale storage continues to be a primary driver of U.S. market growth, jumping 71% from the third quarter of 2022 to the same quarter this year.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Dec. 20, 2023
Increased electrification and reliance on solar and wind will make electricity supply and demand more weather-dependent, resulting in more variable winter peak loads.

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