March 10, 2025
SPP Briefs: Week Ending June 8, 2018
Applications Being Accepted for Order 1000 Panel
SPP said it is accepting applications for industry experts to serve on a fourth independent panel to review Order 1000 transmission proposals in 2019.

SPP said last week it is accepting applications for industry experts to serve on a fourth independent panel to review Order 1000 transmission proposals in 2019.

The RTO forms the pool each year to manage competitive projects. A panel composed of experts from the pool will review, rank and score proposals for competitive projects approved for construction by the Board of Directors.

Interested candidates must have expertise in at least one of the following transmission-related areas:

  • Engineering design
  • Project management and construction
  • Operations
  • Rate design and analysis
  • Finance

Applications will be accepted through Aug. 31. Panelists will be selected based on a recommendation by SPP’s Oversight Committee and approved by the board later this year. Those serving on the panel will be considered contractors and will be compensated through a monthly retainer and hourly rate.

More information can be found on SPP’s website. Interested parties may also contact regulatory analyst Aaron Shipley.

Previous panels have awarded a single transmission project in Kansas, which was eventually canceled because of falling load projections. (See SPP Cancels First Competitive Tx Project, Citing Falling Demand Projections.)

MISO Racks up $1.97M in April M2M Charges

For the ninth straight month and 17th of the last 19, SPP amassed market-to-market (M2M) payments in its favor from MISO during April.

MISO SPP m2m charges

SPP staff said during its Seams Steering Committee meeting last week that MISO incurred $1.97 million in charges, increasing its total payments to SPP to $53.3 million since the two neighbors began the process in March 2015.

The main cause of charges in April was the Nebraska City temporary flowgate in Omaha Public Power District’s control zone. The constraint was binding for only 30 hours during April but racked up more than $717,000 in charges because of area outages, combined with lower wind generation and high south-to-north flows.

SPP’s Nashua-Hawthorn permanent flowgate in Kansas was binding for 142 hours and accumulated more than $427,000 in M2M charges.

The committee met June 6 at Southwestern Public Service’s offices in Amarillo, Texas.

— Tom Kleckner

Other SPP CommitteesSPP/WEISTransmission Planning

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