February 23, 2025
NYISO Order 844 Tariff Revisions Approved
Potomac Economics
FERC accepted NYISO’s Order 844 filing, which establishes procedures for reporting uplift payments, operator-initiated commitments and more.

By Michael Kuser

FERC on Friday accepted NYISO’s compliance filing for Order 844, which directs each RTO/ISO to establish procedures for reporting uplift payments, operator-initiated commitments and transmission constraint penalty factors.

The commission’s Jan. 4 order found the ISO’s filing “complies with Order No. 844’s requirements regarding zonal uplift reporting,” although approval is subject to the ISO specifying the effective date for its proposed Tariff revisions at least two weeks in advance of that date (ER18-2400).

Uplift costs from guarantee payments by category and region, Q3 2018 | Potomac Economics

FERC’s ruling granted NYISO an extension permitting Tariff revisions related to the zonal uplift and resource-specific uplift reports to become effective March 15, while those related to operator-initiated commitment reporting will become effective “on a flexible effective date between June 1, 2019, and June 20, 2019, subject to a compliance filing.”

The commission accepted the ISO’s argument that it already complies with Order 844’s requirement that its Tariff include transmission constraint penalty factor practices.

Order 844 stipulates that each RTO/ISO post a monthly report of all uplift payments categorized by transmission zone, day, and category. RTOs also must post a monthly resource-specific report containing resource names and total amounts of uplift paid in dollars, aggregated across the month.

The grid operators are further required to post a monthly report listing the commitment size, transmission zone, commitment reason and commitment start time of each operator-initiated commitment.

NYISO agreed to comply with all the requirements, modifying its compliance filing to incorporate reporting of uplift paid to suppliers that schedule import transactions at any of its external proxy generator buses as part of the zonal uplift report. The ISO said it does not pay uplift to entities that schedule export transactions and will post an updated zonal uplift report when it first posts its resource-specific uplift report to ensure the two reports are using consistent data sets.

Energy MarketNYISOTransmission Operations

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