April 24 TAC Canceled; OCN Workshop Set
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee’s leadership has canceled the committee’s April 24 meeting because of a “limited number of items to be considered.”

The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee’s leadership has canceled the committee’s April 24 meeting because of a “limited number of items to be considered” and does not plan to hold an email vote.

TAC Vice Chair Diana Coleman and Chair Bob Helton | © RTO Insider

Instead, ERCOT will use the date to hold a workshop on outage activity related to its operating condition notice (OCN) in late February. The OCN set in motion events that resulted in market complaints about the grid operator’s communication practices and transparency. (See ERCOT Generators Upset over Early March Weather Event.)

The workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. The TAC’s next regularly scheduled meeting is May 22.

— Tom Kleckner

ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)Generation

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