February 23, 2025
PJM OC Briefs: Sept. 10, 2019
Non-retail BTM Generation Update
Exelon told the PJM Operating Committee it is near agreement with RTO staff on business rules for non-retail behind-the-meter generation.

VALLEY FORGE, Pa. — Exelon told the PJM Operating Committee last week it is near agreement with RTO staff on business rules for non-retail behind-the-meter generation (NRBTMG) that would exclude retail community solar and aggregate net energy metering programs.

Exelon told the Markets and Reliability Committee in August that it approves of the concepts and reporting requirements outlined in the changes to Manuals 13 and 14D but wanted more time to review the differences in the application of the rules — specifically whether community solar programs and aggregate net energy metering are within scope. It asked the MRC to delay its vote for 30 days. (See “Non-retail BTM Generation Vote Delayed,” PJM MRC Briefs: Aug. 22, 2019.)

PJM Operating Committee underway
PJM’s Operating Committee met on Sept. 10 in Valley Forge, Pa. | © RTO Insider

Since then, both parties have agreed that neither program should fall under the category of NRBTMG. Exelon will bring its revisions to the MRC meeting scheduled for Sept. 26, Sharon Midgley, the company’s director of wholesale development, told the Operating Committee on Sept. 10.

NRBTMG refers to resources used by municipal electric systems, electric cooperatives or electric distribution companies to serve load. They do not participate as supply resources in PJM markets but can be netted against their wholesale load to reduce transmission, capacity, ancillary service and administrative fee charges.

Hot August Spawned 4 Weather Alerts

Soaring temperatures last month spawned four hot weather alerts Aug. 18-21. A feedwater control valve issue also tripped units at Salem 2, creating the first spinning event of the summer.

Manuals Endorsed

Staff must update all three manuals to comply with FERC Order 841’s energy storage participation mandates.

Manual 14D adds metering requirements specific to energy storage resources, outage reporting requirements and generating unit reactive capability curve specification and reporting procedures.

In Manuals 36 and 40, PJM updated the exception to critical cranking power to include non-hydro energy storage resources and added a lower megawatt threshold for electric storage resource training requirements.

Distributed Energy Resources (DER)Energy StorageGenerationPJM Operating Committee (OC)

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