December 22, 2024
Manual Change: Light Load Analysis (M14B)
Changes to the following PJM manual was approved by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Feb. 28, 2013, effective March 1, 2013. For more information, co...

Changes to the following PJM manual was approved by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Feb. 28, 2013, effective March 1, 2013. For more information, contact PJM Member Relations.

Manual 14B: PJM Regional Transmission Planning Process – clarification of light load analysis, SOL/IROL definitions

Reason for Change: The light load analysis section and SOL/IROL definitions required clarification. Also responds to a FERC recommendation regarding communication of modeling information between PJM and its member companies.


  • Adds detailed language to Section D-2.2 Light Load Reliability Analysis Procedure to clarify the application of the criteria. The light load reliability analysis tests the ability of an electrical area to export power during light load conditions. Applied to ensure that generation, including renewable generation, is not “bottled” due to reliability concerns.
  • Amends Attachment F: Determination of System Operating Limits to align definition of System Operating Limits (SOL) and Interconnected Reliability Operating Limits (IROL) with PJM planning practices. SOL includes all Bulk Electric System (BES) facilities and “Reliability and Markets” sub-BES facilities, as listed on the PJM Transmission Facilities pages; IROL definition amended to include lower voltage facilities monitored by PJM Operations. SOL and IROL are used in the transmission planning horizon.
  • Amends Attachment H: Power System Modeling to respond to a FERC recommendation that PJM establish a procedure to communicate interim updates of Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP) analysis models. PJM will communicate major updates to the RTEP analysis models outside of the annual model update window to Transmission Owners through the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC). PJM also will notify neighboring entities that may be impacted and make the updated affected models available upon request.

PJM Contact: Mark Sims

FERC & FederalPJM Other Committees & TaskforcesTransmission Planning

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