MRC First Readings
The Markets and Reliability Committee heard first readings of the issues listed below. The committee will be asked for its endorsement at its next meeting. C...

The Markets and Reliability Committee heard first readings of the issues listed below. The committee will be asked for its endorsement at its next meeting.

Capital Cost Recovery for Black Start Generators

Transmission operators providing cranking paths for black start generators would recover capital costs over five years under a proposal presented by the System Restoration Strategy Task Force. The task force rejected an alternate proposal that would have extended capital recovery over the entire asset life.

Task force chair Chantal Hendrzak said the change is needed to coincide with a provision approved by MRC February 28 allowing generators to provide black start capability outside their own zones.

The task force also will draft for MRC consideration a revised charter allowing it to broaden its consideration of black start unit compensation, including incentives based on capability and performance (e.g., fast-starting units).

Representatives of American Electric Power, Exelon Corp. and Pepco Holdings Inc. voiced support for an expanded charter at Thursday’s meeting.

But Bill Schofield, representative for the PJM Public Power Coalition, said stakeholders should wait to evaluate the impact of the initiatives approved in February before considering further revisions. “It’s premature to discuss compensation changes,” Schofield said. “It’s solving a problem we don’t know exists.”

PJM Contact: Chantal Hendrzak

Provision of E-Tag Data

PJM will make revisions to the confidentiality provisions of its tariff to comply with FERC Order 771,  requiring provision of E-Tag data to Independent System Operators, Market Monitoring Units and FERC.

E-tags are used to schedule the transmission of electric power interchange transactions. FERC said the data will help it and the regions in their efforts to police market manipulation and monitor market

Market Monitor Joseph Bowring welcomed the change, though he said FERC should have gone further and required provision of actual flow data.

PJM Contact: Jacqulynn Hugee

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

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