September 11, 2024
New Process for Exceptions to Generator Parameters
PJM would add new processes for generators seeking exemptions from generation parameters under changes presented to the MRC Thursday, August 1, 2013.

PJM would add new processes for generators seeking exemptions from operating parameters under changes presented to the Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday.

PJM’s generation parameters set defaults for different types and sizes of generators. The parameters cover minimum run and down times, maximum daily and weekly starts and turn down ratios (Eco Max/Eco Min).

They were initiated in 2008 to ensure lower make whole payments for generators whose entire offers were not covered by Locational Marginal Pricing revenues.

The proposed change, the result of a year-long effort between PJM and the Market Monitor, would create three types of exemptions:

  • Temporary Exception: A one-time exception of 30 days or less.
  • Period Exception: An exception lasting for at least 31 days but no more than one year during the 12 months between June 1 and May 31.
  • Persistent Exception: An exception lasting for at least one year.

MRC will be asked to approve the changes at its next meeting.

GenerationPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

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