March 12, 2025
Sponsors Propose Relief for 15 Congested Facilities
Six sponsors submitted proposals to relieve 15 congested facilities in the “market efficiency” window that closed Sept. 26, officials told the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee.

Projected Annual Congestion - Top 10 Locations (Source: PJM Interconnection, LLC)
(Source: PJM Interconnection, LLC)

Six sponsors submitted proposals to relieve 15 transmission constraints in the “market efficiency” window that closed Sept. 26, officials told the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee last week.

To win approval, developers of regional market efficiency projects must produce at least $1.25 in savings for every $1 in project cost. (See PJM Invites Transmission Projects to Reduce Congestion)

PJM said it will release a list of the proposed regional projects this week along with any interregional proposals for relieving congestion on market-to-market (M2M) and other congested facilities serving paths between PJM and MISO. The window for interregional projects closed Oct. 11.

PJM’s top 25 “congestion events” are projected to cost $237.8 million in 2017 (97% of all congestion for the year), rising to $514 million (95% of the total) in 2023. Eight of the 25 locations are market-to-market flowgates. Three spots are located in Commonwealth Edison and two each in Dayton Power & Light, MetEd and PECO.

PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC)Transmission OperationsTransmission Planning

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