February 24, 2025
Manual Changes Endorsed
The PJM MRC endorsed the following manual changes at their October 2013 meeting.

The Markets and Reliability Committee last week endorsed the following manual changes:

Manual 3: Transmission Operations

Reason for changes: Update.

Impact: Adds language regarding approval of emergency rating changes; added applicability for individual generators greater than 20 MVA; clarified reference to voltage coordination; revised outdated references.

Manual 10: Pre-Scheduling Operations

Reason for changes: Annual review.

Impact: Minor updates for clarity; added references to forecasted planned outages and reporting outages on synchronous condensers.

Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process

Reason for changes: Improve the procedure for analyzing and addressing short circuits.

Impact: PJM currently analyzes short circuit cases for the current year +1 and +5. System modifications are difficult for transmission owners to implement with a one-year lead time. The annual Regional Transmission Expansion Plan will analyze short circuit base cases for the current year +2.

Manual 14D: Generator Operational Requirements

Reason for changes: Changes made at RFC request, and for consistency.

Impact: Includes changes to reactive capability testing; replaces outdated references; requires generators operating or scheduled for PJM to operate to notify PJM prior to attempting a restart following a trip or failure to start.

GenerationPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Other Committees & TaskforcesReliabilityTransmission OperationsTransmission Planning

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