February 23, 2025
Retrofits to Tighten Reserve Margins in 2014-15
Retrofits and other planned outages will make it challenging to maintain reserve margins in 2014 and 2015 and PJM will likely need to reschedule some outage requests as a result.

2015 Planned Outage Impact (Source: PJM Interconnection, LLC)
(Source: PJM Interconnection, LLC)

Retrofits and other planned outages will make it challenging to maintain reserve margins in 2014 and 2015 and PJM will likely need to reschedule some outage requests as a result.

PJM’s Dave Schweizer briefed the Operating Committee last week on planned outages scheduled and anticipated for the two-year period, which will see 46 units totaling 7,725 MW of generation retire and 59 units totaling 25,890 take outages for retrofits.

PJM is awaiting retrofit/retirement decisions from the owners of 21 units totaling 3,456 MW.

The 2015 analysis shows the combination of scheduled and anticipated outages reducing generation below PJM’s targeted 15% reserve margin in May and September 2015, meaning officials will need to reschedule some shutdowns to months with more margin.

Projections also anticipate tight operations in May and September 2014.

“The key takeaway: If you’re a generation owner … please submit these (planned outage) tickets as soon as reasonably possible,” Schweizer said.

GenerationPJM Operating Committee (OC)ReliabilityTransmission OperationsTransmission Planning

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