The Operating and Planning committees endorsed the following manual changes last week:
Planning Committee
Manual 7: PJM Protection Standards
Reason for Changes: Changes were required to align this manual with PJM’s protective relaying philosophy and design guidelines.
Impact: The revisions include changes to section 7 (Line Protection) and section 8 (Substation Transformer Protection).
Manual 14A: Generation and Transmission Interconnection Process
Reason for Changes: Ministerial.
Updates the list of manufacturing data sheets PJM has on file for wind turbines.
Manual 21: Rules and Procedures for Determination of Generation Capability
Reason for Changes: The changes clarify rules regarding seasonal verification of generators.
Impact: The changes clarify that intermittent resources are not required to perform seasonal verification. They also spell out that the installed capacity rating of all generators should be based on the generator’s demonstrated output under PJM summer peak load conditions, and that hydro and pumped storage units should perform their annual ratings test during the summer. Other notable changes apply to ambient conditions recording and reporting.
Operating Committee
Manual 40: Training and Service Requirements
Reason for Changes: Required annual update in accordance with NERC standards.
Impacts: Changes data retention requirement and clarifies continued training requirements for transmission operators and initial training requirements for new entities.
Adds a “human performance program” for use in PJM system operations to achieve an “event-free” culture. The program encourages a questioning attitude, peer checking methods, the use of 3-part communications, and adherence to procedures.
PJM Contact: Glen Boyle