Members Committee Meeting Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM Members Committee meeting on 05/15/14. Each item is listed by agenda number and description, followed by a summary of the issue.

Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the Members Committee meeting Thursday. Each item is listed by agenda number, followed by a summary of the issue.

RTO Insider will be in Cambridge, Md., covering the discussions and votes. See next Tuesday’s newsletter for a full report.

5. Consent Agenda

The committee will be asked to approve the following:

B. Revisions to Manual 34: Stakeholder Process

Changes to voting methods at the Standing Committees, and posting and notice requirements.

  • Section 8.4: Voting Method

The voting procedures would be changed to allow members to indicate their preference for the status quo over proposed rule changes.

As under current rules, each member may vote yes, no or abstain on each proposed alternative. If one or more alternatives receives more than 50% support, a second vote will be taken asking participants to choose between the most popular change and the status quo.

If a simple majority does not prefer the proposed alternative over the status quo, the chair will lead a discussion to determine whether to continue working toward a proposal with wider support or to terminate work on the issue.

If the status quo receives less than a simple majority, the most popular proposal will be the main motion at the Markets and Reliability Committee. Other proposed alternatives that received greater than 50% support may be considered by the MRC as alternative motions.

  • Section 10.4: Posting Process Timelines

Members would have five business days to comment on proposed revisions to governing documents before votes of the Markets and Reliability or Members committees (down from the current 10-day requirement).

  • Section 11.13: Consultation with Transmission Owners and Members

Except in emergencies requiring immediate action, PJM would be required to provide Transmission Owners and PJM members 30 days’ notice before making a Section 205 filing to change the creditworthiness provisions of the Tariff. The notice time for making Section 205 filings on other matters would remain at the current seven days.

C. Settlement Formulation Review – Phase II initiative: Clarifications to the Tariff and Operating Agreement (OA) on regulation shoulder hour lost opportunity costs (LOCs). As a result of a review, PJM discovered that the documents didn’t adequately describe the calculation of the deviation between the regulation set point and the expected output of each regulation resource.

D. Credit Available for Virtual Transactions: Revisions to the Tariff to reflect current PJM practices regarding credit available for virtual transactions. PJM instituted the policy as the result of a FERC Order in 2004 but failed to make accompanying changes to the Tariff. These revisions also correct for changes in credit policy since 2004 (e.g., working credit limit discount is now 25%, not 15%).

E. Synchronized Reserve penalty charges for Tier 2 resources: Clarifications to the Tariff and OA giving generators providing Tier 2 synchronized resources the ability to aggregate these resources in order to avoid retroactive penalties for failure to respond appropriately when called. New language will also be added to Manual 11: Energy & Ancillary Services and Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting. Aggregation will not be used in calculating Tier 2 Synchronized Reserve credits; each resource will continue to be credited independently.

F. PJM’s change of mailing address: Changes to the Tariff and Operating Agreement to reflect PJM’s new mailing address to: 2750 Monroe Blvd., Audubon, PA 19403.

6. PJM Board of Managers Nominating Committee (NC)

The committee will be asked to re-elect to the Board of Managers Ake Almgren, who joined the board in 2003, Susan Riley (2005) and Charles Robinson (2011).

Ancillary ServicesPJM Members Committee (MC)

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