February 24, 2025
NYISO Reports Adequate Capacity for Winter
New York’s electric system has the capacity to meet peak demand for electricity during extreme cold weather conditions through the 2017-2018 winter season.

New York’s electric system has the capacity to meet demand for electricity during extreme cold weather conditions through the 2017-2018 winter season, according to NYISO.

The ISO forecasts peak demand this winter of 24,365 MW, slightly higher than the 24,164-MW peak of last winter, when weather was milder than the 10-year and 20-year averages, Vice President of Operations Wes Yeomans said in a review of the ISO’s 2017-2018 winter outlook Thursday.

NYISO winter peak demand

New York set its record winter peak in 2014, during polar vortex conditions that pushed demand to 25,738 MW. If extreme weather produces colder conditions, with composite statewide temperatures in the 5 to 6 F range, peak demand across the state could increase to approximately 25,989 MW.


Total capacity resources, which include generation, imports and demand response, are expected to total 44,557 MW this winter, including 41,454 MW of generation, 2,311 MW in net external capacity purchases and 792 MW of DR. The ISO maintains 2,620 MW of operating reserves — generation resources above the amount needed to meet projected demand for electricity on any given day.

— Michael Kuser

Operating ReservesOther NYISO CommitteesResource Adequacy

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