February 23, 2025
FERC Removes Southern Co. Mitigation in SC
Southern Co. headquarters in Atlanta
Southern Co. headquarters in Atlanta | Southern Co.
FERC agreed to remove market mitigation measures for Southern Co. in South Carolina, saying the utility meets the standards for market-based rate authority.

FERC on Thursday agreed to remove market mitigation measures for Southern Co. (NYSE:SO) in the Dominion Energy South Carolina balancing authority area, saying the utility meets the standards for market-based rate authority (ER10-2881-035, et al.).

The commission agreed to lift the mitigation because Southern had no indicative screen failures in the region, where it holds a market share of 6.6 to 13%.

The commission also approved Southern’s continued use of market-based rates in Duke Energy Florida (market share 2.9 to 9.3%), Duke Energy Carolinas (6.9 to 7.7%), Florida Power & Light (6.0 to 8.0%), PowerSouth (0 to 16.6%), Tennessee Valley Authority (2.1 to 3.5%), Seminole BAA (0 to 0.1%) and Florida Municipal Power Pool BAA (0 to 0.4%).

But the commission said Southern’s tailored mitigation — day-ahead and hour-ahead energy auctions — for the Southern BAA (41.7 to 51.9%), Jacksonville Electric Authority (17.1 to 21.4%), Santee Cooper (0 to 30.3%) and the city of Tallahassee (0 to 19.8%) must remain in place.

The commission said Southern failed the wholesale market share screen in the Southern, Jacksonville and Santee Cooper BAAs. Southern said that although it narrowly passed the screen for the Tallahassee BAA for the summer and fall seasons, it would “conservatively treat the [Tallahassee BAA] as having two screen failures.”

Other MBRA Approvals

In separate orders, the commission also approved MBRA and accepted updated market power analyses for Commonwealth Chesapeake Co., et al. (ER10-3078-005, et al.); Munnsville Wind Farm, et al. (ER10-2834-007 et al.); Talen Energy Marketing, et al. (ER15-2013-011, et al.); Homer City Generation (ER13-55-025); and Caithness Long Island and Moxie Freedom (ER20-2271, ER20-2755). Several of these orders had not been published as of press time.

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