February 23, 2025
NYISO Begins Discussing Market Rules for Internal Controllable Lines
The Clean Path NY Project would be the first internal controllable line within the New York Control Area.
The Clean Path NY Project would be the first internal controllable line within the New York Control Area. | NYSERDA
NYISO staff briefed stakeholders on the schedule for the ISO’s initiative to develop market participation rules for internal controllable lines.

NYISO staff Thursday briefed the Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group on the schedule for the ISO’s initiative to develop market participation rules for internal controllable lines.

With no internal controllable lines currently operational in New York, the ISO has only some “bare bones” rules in the capacity market that could structure participation of internal unforced capacity deliverability rights (UDRs), said Amanda Myott, energy market design specialist. There are no related rules for energy market participation.

New York in September selected two transmission projects as Tier 4 renewable resources under its Clean Energy Standard. If approved by the Public Service Commission, the 1,300-MW, 174-mile Clean Path New York transmission project is likely to be the first internal controllable line in the state. (See Two Transmission Projects Selected to Bring Low-carbon Power to NYC.)

NYISO will begin by developing energy market rules and then, based on those rules, evaluate if there are any needed revisions to capacity market rules for UDRs.

“Modeling of internal controllable lines within resource adequacy studies will also be an important consideration when determining ICAP market rules,” Myott said.

The working group will discuss energy market designs through April before beginning to talk about the capacity market that same month. The goal is to have a completed proposal by the end of the year.

Capacity MarketEnergy MarketNew YorkNYISOTransmission Operations

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