January 31, 2025
PJM MRC Preview: Oct 24, 2022
PJM CEO Manu Asthana will deliver opening remarks to the MRC, followed by a presentation on diversity, equity and inclusion by chief DEI officer Michael Coyle.

Below is a summary of the agenda items scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee meeting Monday, part of the RTO’s Annual Meeting of Members. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage in RTO Insider.

RTO Insider will have a full report for the Nov. 1 newsletter, along with coverage of the subsequent Members Committee being held this Wednesday.

Markets and Reliability Committee

Opening Remarks (1:05-1:40)

PJM CEO Manu Asthana will deliver opening remarks to the MRC, followed by a presentation on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) by Michael Coyle, the RTO’s chief DEI officer.

Consent Agenda (1:40-1:45)

B. The MRC will consider endorsement of the 2022 Reserve Requirement Study’s recommended values for the forecast pool requirement (FPR) and installed reserve margin (IRM) for the next capacity year and set projections for the following three. Should the vote pass, the RRS is scheduled to go before the Board of Managers in December. (See “Stakeholders Endorse 2022 Reserve Requirement Study Results,” PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Oct. 4, 2022.)

C. The committee will consider proposed revisions to Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting to eliminate an exception that has allowed combustion turbine units to recover the costs of their full generation even when they’re operating above their load signal. The changes would bring them in line with the practices and penalties other generator types currently follow. (See “Elimination of ‘CT Rule’ Receives Endorsement,” PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Oct. 6.)

Issue Tracking: Operating Reserve Clarification for Resources Operating as Requested by PJM

D. The committee will also consider proposed revisions to Manual 39: Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination as a part of a periodic review. (See “Manual 39: Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination,” PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Aug. 11, 2022.)

E. The MRC will consider revisions to PJM’s tariff addressing the internal network integration transmission service process that aim to reduce administrative burdens for approving new agreements for transmission within PJM’s network. (See “Streamlining Internal NITS Process Under Consideration,” PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Sept. 21, 2022.)

Issue Tracking: Internal Network Integration Transmission Service Process

Endorsements (1:45-2:20)

1. Fuel Requirements for Black Start Resources (1:45-2:10)

PJM staff will review a proposed package of changes meant to ensure that resources providing black start capabilities are available should they be needed. The language would create a new, higher tier of black start service — “fuel assured” — for generators with added fuel availability, such as through on-site storage or connections to multiple gas pipelines. (See PJM, Monitor Debate Black Start Fuel Requirements Proposals.) The committee will be asked to endorse the proposed manual revisions.  

Issue Tracking: Fuel Requirements for Black Start Resources

2. Residential Customer Measurement and Verification for Demand Response (2:10-2:20)

Ken Schisler of CPower will review a proposed problem statement and issue charge to address residential customer measurement and verification for demand response. The work would evaluate the use of statistical sampling for interval-metered residential customers as a solution to data access remaining a barrier to such customers participating in wholesale markets through curtailment service providers. (See “DR Proposal Brought Before MRC After MIC Rejection,” PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Sept. 21, 2022.) The committee will be asked to approve the issue charge.

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)

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