February 22, 2025
PJM MRC/MC Preview: Dec. 20, 2023
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee will consider endorsement of two competing proposals to implement multi-schedule modeling, while the Members Committee will endorse representatives for the Finance Committee.

Below is a summary of the agenda items scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee meetings. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage in RTO Insider.

RTO Insider will be covering the discussions and votes. See the next newsletter for a full report.

Markets and Reliability Committee

Consent Agenda (9:05-9:10)

B. Endorse conforming revisions to Manual 12, Balancing Operations; Manual 13, Emergency Operations; and Manual 14D, Generator Operational Requirements to implement a renewable dispatch package. (See “Other Committee Business,” PJM MIC Briefs: Nov. 1, 2023.)

Issue Tracking: Renewable Dispatch

C. Endorse proposed revisions to Manual 14B, PJM Region Transmission Planning Process as a part of its periodic review. The changes include specifying that the 300-MW load loss rule is meant to apply to possible outages that would affect a large number of consumers, rather than a single large industrial customer. (See “First Read of Periodic Review of Manuals 19 and 14B,” PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Oct. 3, 2023.)

D. Endorse conforming revisions to Manual 21A, Determination of Accredited UCAP Using Effective Load Carrying Capability Analysis addressing Hybrids Phase II Market Participation of Hybrid Resources and other Mixed Technology Facilities instituting the second phase of PJM’s rules for hybrid resources.

Issue Tracking: Solar-Battery Hybrid Resources

E. Approve sunsetting the Energy Price Formation Senior Task Force (EPFSTF).

Issue Tracking: Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) & Transmission Constraint Penalty Factors

Endorsements (9:10-9:55)

  1. Performance Impact of the Multi-schedule Model on the Market Clearing Engine (9:10-9:30)

PJM’s Danielle Croop will present the proposal endorsed by the Market Implementation Committee on Aug. 9 to revise how some resource offers are entered into the market clearing engine (MCE) to allow multi-schedule modeling to be implemented without overloading the engine with an exponential increase in the number of schedules it must consider. Croop also will present an alternative approach which received lesser MIC support, but still a majority. (See “Endorsement of Multi-schedule Modeling Solution Deferred,” PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Nov. 15, 2023.)

The committee will be asked to endorse the proposed solution and corresponding tariff and Operating Agreement revisions.

Issue Tracking: Performance Impact of the Multi-Schedule Model on the Market Clearing Engine

  1. Regulation Market Design Senior Task Force (RMDSTF) (9:30-9:55)

Croop will present a proposal to shift the regulation market to have a single price signal with two products representing a resource’s ability to adjust its output up or down. (See “PJM Presents Regulation Market Rework,” PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Nov. 15, 2023.)

The committee will be asked to endorse the proposed solution and corresponding tariff and OA revisions.

Issue Tracking: Regulation Market Design

Members Committee

Endorsements (10:10-10:20)

PJM’s Michele Greening will present the proposed sector representatives for the 2024 Finance Committee, 2024 sector whips and 2024 MC vice chair.

The committee will be asked to elect the proposed representatives.

Ancillary ServicesEnergy MarketPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)

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