Texas PUC Begins Registering Crypto Mining Facilities
Riot Platform's Rockdale Facility near Austin has a load of 700 MW.
Riot Platform's Rockdale Facility near Austin has a load of 700 MW. | Riot Platform
The Texas Public Utility Commission has opened an online portal on its website to accept registrations from cryptocurrency mining facilities with a demand of more than 75 MW.

The Texas Public Utility Commission has opened an online portal on its website to accept registrations from cryptocurrency mining facilities.

The PUC said Jan. 27 that facilities with a demand of more than 75 MW are required to register by Feb. 1. Future facilities must register no later than one working day after receiving retail service, it said. Crypto miners registered with the commission must provide information annually about the facility’s location, ownership and electricity demand.

Those facilities failing to register could face fines of $25,000 per violation per day.

The PUC in November adopted a new rule mandated by state law that requires crypto miners in ERCOT’s region to register. (See “New Rules for Crypto Miners,” ERCOT to Recommend RMR Agreement for Braunig).

ERCOT labels cryptocurrency facilities as “flexible loads” because of their ability to quickly adjust their power consumption in response to increasing demand or prices. The facilities often are compensated for shutting down their consumption; Riot Platforms in August 2023 earned $31.7 million for curtailing demand, almost four times the amount it made from producing bitcoin.

The Texas grid operator said in 2024 that it expects demand to nearly double in six years, from 85 GW to as much as 150 GW by 2030, due to cryptocurrency mining, data centers and artificial intelligence.

ERCOT Cancels MRA Request for Braunig 1, 2

ERCOT said Jan. 28 it is canceling a request for more cost-efficient must-run alternatives for two aging gas plants that it says are needed to support grid reliability.

The gird operator said it did not receive any eligible proposals that were more cost-effective than contracting for mobile generators leased by CenterPoint Energy to avoid committing CPS Energy’s Braunig Units 1 and 2 under a reliability must-run (RMR) contract.

ERCOT’s Board of Directors in December directed staff to develop an RMR agreement with CPS Energy, San Antonio’s municipality, to return Braunig 3 to service into 2027. (See “ERCOT to Pursue Braunig MRAs,” Texas PUC Shelves PCM Design Over Lack of Benefits.)

CPS Energy told ERCOT in 2024 that it intended to retire all three 1960-era units in March 2025.

ERCOT said it expects further discussion on the issue during the Feb. 3-4 board of directors meeting. The ISO also said it expects to provide a recommendation during a future special board meeting over whether to commit Braunig Units 1 and 2 through an RMR agreement or move forward with the mobile generation solution.

CPS Energy has told ERCOT the Braunig units’ standby costs are:

    • $2,382/hour for one year, $1,500/hour for two years (Braunig 1).
    • $2,558/hour for one year, $1,597/hour for two years (Braunig 2).
    • $3,599/hour for one year, $2,246/hour for two years (Braunig 3).
Public PolicyPublic Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT)Resource AdequacyTexas

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