October 5, 2024
Gas Dispatch Reduces Congestion: Market Efficiency Study
PJM's 2013 Market Efficiency Study revealed that an increase in the dispatch of gas-fired units in east PJM reduced west to east congestion in PJM.

An increase in the dispatch of gas-fired units in east PJM reduced west to east congestion in PJM’s 2013 market efficiency analysis, officials told the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee Thursday.

“Fuel prices were the main driver” in the analysis, said PJM’s Tim Horger. Otherwise, Horger said, “results were very similar to” the 2012 analysis.

The analysis looked at study years 2014 and 2018 to determine whether projects in the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan should be accelerated or modified, and 2017, 2020 and 2023 to consider the addition of new projects to the RTEP.

2013-Market-Efficiency-congestion-costsThe study assumed:

  • Coal prices increase from $2.60/MMBtu in 2013 to $3.75 in 2023, a 4.4% annual increase.
  • Natural gas prices increase from $3.68 to $6.50/MMBtu, a 3.1% annual increase.
  • Peak demand increases 1.4% per year, from 154,712 MW in 2013 to 176,548 in 2023.

PJM will post case files for all study years. Accessing the files requires authorization to access Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) and a license from Ventyx for powerbase data.

PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC)Transmission Planning

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